Thursday, February 15, 2007

This is a picture of one of the kittens I saved from certain death last year. He is now king of the red barn. Aidan knows him well!

It is late...I have gotten carried away with this whole blogging thing! Goodnight


PCKUHN said...

welcome to the blog family...look forward to learning about your days and looking at your heifers and that ain't no bull...hahaha

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the laugh Patrick! Good job on your blog Mom. You'll be an expert in not time.

leah said...

Patrick you are stinkin' hilarious! Mom I am soooo glad you joined the family of blogging! It will be great to check up on you and to get a better idea of what it is you do every day! Glad to hear you are taking care of yourself...keep it up! Miss You and Love You! Kate has been pretending her spoon is a telephone at meal times lately....most often it's you she is chatting with!

Tricia said...

Patrick you made me laugh too...thanks for visiting my blog...Jamie...where art thou???
I think I will give Kate a call tomorrow on my fork...hope she will be home to get the call. This is so much glad I have joined the world of blogging!!I love you all too!!