Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas in Canada

I am home once again and hard at work. But I have not forgotten the wonderful six weeks that I spent in Canada. Time goes by quickly, and I sure enjoyed the time I spent with each of you. Here are some pics for all to enjoy.
Mom's beautiful Christmas tree!
Christmas morning was great as it always much fun to open stockings, or rather, paper bags, stuffed with treasures suited to YOU! Thanks Kristin for all the gifts packed into mine!

In order for me to get this on the blog I will just show pics with no comments, except to say that Mom looks fabulous, don't you think?? And so does everyone else!!

I had time to share some food and coffee, tea and time with Patrick and Jamie...this was sweet at THE BUZZ!!

Spending time with the Faulkners is always good too. They had some bad colds over Christmas and Elizabeth was the last to have it and it lingered on! But, we still had time for a walk and just spending some time together.

The next three pictures are of Jamey's new hound dog...he got him for his birthday and will teach "Job" to track and hunt. He is 3 months old and cute as can be. His ears are like velvet! Pretty sweet little pup with big big feet. Jamey was at church the day before he picked him up and Pastor Ted spoke on "New Beginnings" and talked about Job... ...thus the name!


Elizabeth said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. I love the picture of you with Patrick and Jamie. You're right Grandma does look fabulous.

leah said...

Great post Mom! Looks like such a special time over Christmas. Grandma does look amazing. Job is a very cute puppy. We miss you!

PCKUHN said...

Hey Mom, we surely enjoyed you home for Christmas, but it was way too short. Miss you already. Job is adorable. Love you tons!!!