Saturday, August 25, 2007

John Gets Close to Heaven!

John, Pam's youngest brother, went on a fishing trip a couple days after our cruisin' trip. He got to enjoy this beautiful day...just John and his boat! This time he went to Gold Lake...a couple of hours from here. I "stole" these pictures off his camera because I couldn't believe how gorgeous they were. He got to enjoy this little piece of heaven all by himself that day! I am so glad he took pictures of it...who would have believed it! I thought something like this was only to be seen in British Columbia! God made some beautiful places here too...who would have thunk it!!! Enjoy!!

I think John could win a photo contest with a couple of these shots...what do you think?!?

I think this last picture could be a calendar picture. WOW! Thanks John! Beautiful!

1 comment:

leah said...

Very beautiful pictures!