Sunday, March 29, 2009


I thought I would share with the
ones I love my artistic flare in Ceramics.
Now, please notice that this blog is for the ones I love
and the ones that love ME!

I am laying myself wide open for critique as I show you
my wonderful
(and maybe one awful)

SOOOOO! Be gentle!

I must warn you that I have taken
photographic licence here in order to show
my artistic flare in Ceramics in the best possible light.


I have paired my creations with the Great Creator's creations
in order to maximize the beauty of the photograph!

This is a photo of my first project......I call it.......

"The Bowl"

This is a tear drop inspired designer bowl. When I saw it, I was drawn to it's shape. It seemed to lend itself well to a St. Patrick's Day theme, so I used the shades of that day to apply my well thought out design to it's plain unadorned surface.

Alright!....the gal, Sandy, that let's me come to Ceramics gave me two shades of green paint, a toothbrush and a shamrock sponge and said, "Spatter the green paint as you want and then do some sponge painting." It was my idea where to place the sponge and how much to spatter...or is it splatter!! Nevertheless, it was rather tricky to run your thumb over the toothbrush and get the desired look you wanted. I must tell you that my shirt and vest that I wore that night had a very St. Patrick's Day theme too!

This shows "The Bowl" from another angle...kinda! You will see I added a painted rim around the edge to personalize it. That was my idea!

Now for my second finished project which I actually started first! I lovingly call it...

"The Bud Vase"

pictured here on Ron's tractor seat,(which is, in itself, a work of art)

with "The Bowl"

I am quite enjoying this as it holds something that I am very fond of

...a flower...

made by the Master Artist!

But...back to "The Bowl". I find this piece to be functional as well. It is a perfect size for a 7 point breakfast (that's Weight Watchers talk)...2 cups of cereal, usually Cheerios, 2 T. raisons and 1 cup of skim milk...that gets me through to about 10am.

And finally, my very favourite, very functional, and first ceramic projects together! might think that this is the end...but I have saved the worst for last....remember the "awful" I mentioned at the beginning...well, here it is. But even VanGo {sp?} made some awful, hideous artwork, and you know the rest of that story!

This is my latest project. It was almost my last! But I have decided that whenever you learn something new, you should always end it on a good note. What I saw in my mind is not quite how this turned out. Although the gone wrong plate is growing on me. I think with some well placed cookies it would be functional...but only for serving cookies to people who love me, as eventually those cookies will be gone and the plate laid bare for everyone to see.

I do have some more projects in mind. It will probably involve a toothbrush and a shaped sponge.

I am taking orders. I only do vases and bowls, so put in your orders loved ones.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

RDR Critters

You would think with a few head of cattle named Angus,
and a couple horses named Zane and Bucko,
and two dogs named Sam and Ty
and a cat named Oi-ringe
(spelled correctly, pronounced as it reads)
that Pam would have enough animals on the place,
Let's get some more!
Pam has added to the critter population around here.
I thought you would like to meet them.
I will introduce from largest to smallest!
We were over to Hermiston last month to visit the bulls at the feedlot and took a side trip to visit Shelley's(a friend) family ranch. They had all kinds of critters there...sheep, cattle, dogs,
Lots of horses.
Shelley's Dad said to back up the trailer and he would load it up with
colts and fillies for us to take charge!
I think he was tired of feeding all these about 2 year olds!
When Pam caught a glimpse of this gelding,
she thought maybe this was the one she had been seeking!
Then after visiting with Shelley's Mom about the price, she definitely thought this was the horsey for her! Pam went back to the corral and discussed it with the colt and he said...

"Yeah! Get me outta of this joint!

Take me where the grass is always green and plentiful,

the sun is warm upon my back,

and the rains falls gently!"

So, with that said, we loaded him up and brought him home to the valley! I named him "Harley"...just because I have always thought somewhere in my head, that it was a good name for a horse! Now Pam can tell folks that she bought a "Harley", and their eyeballs almost pop out of their heads..."YOU WHAT?"

While we were on this trip to Hermiston, Shelley told us that her dog, a border collie like Sam and Ty, had just that morning given birth to 4 puppies...she named them Martin, Luther, King, and Junior. The puppies were born on his birthday.

Pam and I went and visited the puppies two weeks ago.

We liked "Junior" he was an available male! So yesterday, on Bull Session day, the little puppy was delivered to us.

Now, about his name! We wanted to pick our own name.

So, being the creative thinker that I am, and thinking long and creatively I came up with the name.

Since he was born on Martin Luther King Junior day, and every city in America has a street named after him with "Boulevard" after it, I decided that "Boulevard" would be a great name for this new little guy. Then, I decided that "Boulie" would be a great nickname for him. AND THEN...he was delivered to a "boule" ranch on "boule" session day...SSSOOOO! "Boulie" it is!

And here he is!

He is a rolly polly cute as can be, little guy, but we know how quickly that will change. Sam has already let him know that Boulie is not to bother him in any way at all! Ty is like the big brother, standing proudly over the pup! I am sure he will teach all his bad habits to the new pup on the block.

Now, I am sure you have noticed that this pup is mainly white with two black patches over his eyes. White anything on a ranch can be high maintenance. But, since he is Pam's dog, that is not really my problem. I have been told that Boulie is Pam's dog and I am not to bond with him, breathe into his nostrels, touch him, talk to him in puppy talk, and generally not be a "Mommy" surrogate to him. This is very difficult indeed! Everyone knows how loveable a puppy is.

There are good points to that.

Pam must clean up after her puppy,

discipline her puppy,

wash her puppy,

and feed her puppy!

Aaahhh! You gotta love a baby!

You gotta love a puppy!

You gotta love it when it is someone else's puppy!

Just what we needed here on the ranch...more critters!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Goings ON!!!

Alright, so I am a little behind. My camera has not been replaced yet so this is a collection of pictures from my old camera and over the past few months. I am tired of looking at "Dum De Dum Dum"....soooo, enjoy these pics for now! I think I have decided on a Nikon D40x..maybe!

Just thought I would show off my summer garden to you. You may notice my dog, TY, on the right of the picture...he loves me! He is never too far from me.

I so enjoy my garden! Patrick went to the nursery with me. Tina the gal that runs it was so very helpful. Her place is called "Budda Bing Budda Bloom"...cute isn't it!?! I am looking forward to visiting her again this is just around the corner. Yippee!

The pictures here show the before and after of my pond. I had gone in shopping and when I came home it was well under way...a nice surprise!

This is "Tricia's Fountain" as Ron and Pam call it. We put it in last spring. If you look close you will see the goldfish in the pond. They have wintered pretty well...there are four out of 9 left. I am hoping to add to it this year. I would like to settle the rocks more around the pond and maybe lay down some sand and set the flat stones in better.

You have heard me talk about these two girls...McKenzie on the left and Shelby on the right. They are the daughters of Darryl and Carm...our Alpha group leaders. The girls are very involved in 4 H Club. Shelby showed this heifer, Iris, last summer and took home all the trophies! All three girls are beautiful, don't you think! Just thought I would mention...Kenz and Shelby do not watch TV at TVin their house. They are too busy with sports and their 4 H critters and church. You know, you can tell!

This masterpiece is the last pie I made...Banana Cream Pie, out of the "Pie in the Sky" cook book. It was fabulous. I think next time I make it I will try Hannah's trick of painting the baked crust with melted chocolate. Ron and Pam's favorite still is the Coconut Cream pie out of the same cook book. It was pretty too!

Last fall, Wallace got busy and built a chicken house for Cousin Julie's latest project of raising chickens for eggs. Julie calls this the White House, and has her 10 or so chickens housed here...well...some of the time the chickens are in her house, but don't let her know I said that. She is holding her favorite chicken here...Pokey, for short. Her full name is Pocahontas. She also has Little Buff and Big Buff, Cowboy, Indian, Big Red and Little Red. We are getting fresh eggs every week and they are fabulous. It is hard to use store bought after having free range eggs!

This house is a beauty. Julie even had it decorated for Christmas. She serves breakfast every Saturday to two mennonite gals...Marcy and Little Sister. She serves coffee and homemade egg and sausage mcmuffins. She has invited Pam and I to go. I don't know about that. Eating in a chicken coop is not something I have dreamt of doing. Julie likes to take Pokey driving with her in the pick up. Pokey sits on the seat beside her and goes all around town. It is a very funny sight. Julie and Pokey delivered an pack of eggs this morning when we weren't here, and Jamey said she got out of the pickup with the eggs in one hand and Pokey cradled in the other arm and a whole bunch of chicken poop down the front of her sweatshirt. Pretty funny stuff!

Well, gotta go! Work beckons! I just thought it was time to share some goings on from here!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Well...Patrick is in good company!
Like Mother, Like Sonner!
I worked hard at this blog on "Spring Floral Design" and posted it to the wrong blogspot. I tried to transfer it over to the right place but it would have been too hard and too long of an evening to get the pictures all transferred over. I know how smart you all are and you can figure this one out. It is on
I think it worth the effort for you to look at it!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Just thought I should give the update on MIKE!
Patrick won the name contest, cause he was the only one that entered a name...he wins by default! Mike lasted for two days, and then his carrot nose fell from his face, and he just had to find it! He is bent over looking for his nose!
But alas, the nose was unattainable, as the creator of Mike gave him no arms!
Poor Mike!
I have never seen a snowman do this before!
I found it quite amazing!
He was bent right over without breaking in half!

See his nose lying right in front of him!

Mike crumbled the next morning...he never did retrieve his nose!

So very sad!

This is short, but sane! The tale of a snowman doomed! He lived his life for a day (or two)!

I was going to write an ODE TO MIKE!

But alas, I don't seem to have a creative thought in my head at this moment!

Poor Tricia!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Few Winter Days!

It is winter time here on the ranch. That means new calves, wet weather, cold weather, cold dry days, windy days, and SNOWY days and very busy days!

Here are some pictures of what is happening! Even if you don't hear from me you are on my mind...each of you!

Winter morning sunrise over the pond here...Jamey's Pond!

Every morning we go up on the hill where the cows are wintered and check the Moms and their babies! This was a beautiful day...sun and crisply cold!

Alien cow here! Red eye is no problem to fix...but white eye....BIG problem!

The cows and calves love to be in the trees..

...I think they know they are safe from our calf catcher contraption! We just can't get to them here!

After checking the hill we go through the gate and into the first calf heifers! We check them out morning and night too! I am all bundling up...I can hardly move with about 4 layers on!

First calf heifer calves safe in their Canadian made shelter. Warm and comfy!

So on Thursday was our first snowfall...

and we thought it would be a very smart thing to take advantage of...even thought there wasn't

...there is a family with 3 little girls that live nearby in a rental house of Ron and Pam's. Pam thought it would be fun to phone Jessica, Katlynn and Callie up and take them for some sleighriding behind the Honda. We packed up the dogs, ourselves, and our equipment and headed over there. When we got there the snow was starting to melt. The girls wanted to go, so we headed into the pasture with them. They had a blast! Then Pam and I took two very short turns! We were not tough enough. The snow was not deep and every cowpie we hit was frozen hard as a rock and when you hit just plain hurt. Pam is now hobbling around with a bruised tailbone! OUCH!!! The girls were much tougher then us!

Now, today is a different story. Lots and lots of snow...perfect for snowmen! After waffles and hot chocolate, I got busy and designed this fine fellow for Aidan, Michael, Keira, Kate and Quinn and Munch to enjoy! You can name him if you like and send me a picture of your snowman! From my weather station it looks like there is snow in Langley and Calgary!

Sam and Ty were scared of the snowman at first! But now they are running circles around him!

This is the winter view down the driveway this morning.

We were going to go to church this morning, but after being on Ferguson Road with a big tractor (Aidan, you drove this tractor) in 4 wheel drive and driving very slow, and still just about sliding off the road, we thought it a better idea to just stay put. Ron says he can't remember the last time it snowed like this! It is beautiful to look at and great for fun, but it is hard on the cows, and especially on the newborn calves. We will be going out to check on them all again this afternoon.

MMMmmmm! It is a good time for another hot chocolate I think. Won't you all join me!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas in Canada

I am home once again and hard at work. But I have not forgotten the wonderful six weeks that I spent in Canada. Time goes by quickly, and I sure enjoyed the time I spent with each of you. Here are some pics for all to enjoy.
Mom's beautiful Christmas tree!
Christmas morning was great as it always much fun to open stockings, or rather, paper bags, stuffed with treasures suited to YOU! Thanks Kristin for all the gifts packed into mine!

In order for me to get this on the blog I will just show pics with no comments, except to say that Mom looks fabulous, don't you think?? And so does everyone else!!

I had time to share some food and coffee, tea and time with Patrick and Jamie...this was sweet at THE BUZZ!!

Spending time with the Faulkners is always good too. They had some bad colds over Christmas and Elizabeth was the last to have it and it lingered on! But, we still had time for a walk and just spending some time together.

The next three pictures are of Jamey's new hound dog...he got him for his birthday and will teach "Job" to track and hunt. He is 3 months old and cute as can be. His ears are like velvet! Pretty sweet little pup with big big feet. Jamey was at church the day before he picked him up and Pastor Ted spoke on "New Beginnings" and talked about Job... ...thus the name!